Tuley Law/VA Appeals Process
(Establishes an effective date)
the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' obligation to help veterans develop their claims.
(Improved notice)
Choice & ControlBased on the evidence available, the next step will go to one of the three possible paths. This is one level higher than the Higher Level Review, Supplemental Claim and Appeals process.
If you disagree with the VA's decision, you can request to have a senior reviewer take a new look at your case. The reviewer will determine whether the decision can be changed based on a difference of opinion or an error.
* Except for appeals to the court, all filing deadlines are one year.
The Higher Level Review and Supplemental Claim work to provide outcomes before the appeals process.
Board of Veterans Appeals
Similar to the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals is where a final decision is ultimately made.
* Except for appeals to the court, all filing deadlines are one year.